Who is eligible to participate in the contest?
Any Edmentum Exact Path customer that is located in the state of South Carolina. All students K-12 are encouraged to participate. A minimum of 20 students must be active in the customers Exact Path program for the applicable calendar month of the contest in order to be eligible to win for that month.

Who can register a school?
Registration must come from a school-affiliated employee. Please make sure to use your school-provided email address when submitting entries. Student entries will not be considered.

How will winners be selected?
One South Carolina school winner will be named each month of the two-month contest (one April 2019 winner and one May 2019 winner). A school winner will be determined by taking the total number of skills mastered by all students within the specified contest month divided by the number of active student users in the Exact Path program during the specified contest month. By arriving at an average number of skills mastered per active students in the program, both large and small schools have equal chances to win.

How is skill mastery calculated?
When a student completes a Progress Check assessment, following each set of up to four skills in their learning path, skill mastery is measured. Mastery is achieved when at least 80% of the questions are answered correctly by the student for each skill that is assessed in the Progress Check. Students earn a Mastery Trophy when the required score is met. Trophies earned will display for the student at the end of the short Progress Check. Trophies can also be reviewed from the student interface in the My Rewards area.

A skill will ONLY count as mastered the first time it is mastered within each month of the contest. This means if a student masters a skill within one month of the contest, then does one of the following activities which would trigger a new learning path: completes another diagnostic assessment, resyncs Renaissance data, overrides NWEA data, or edits the learning path thus creating a new learning path which includes the same skill, mastering it again within the same month will not count as two skills mastered. It will be the very same skill, mastered two times, which is calculated as one skill mastered for the purposes of the contest.

Please note, in order to determine a final contest school winner for each month, the total number of skills mastered for all students within a given school will be divided by the number of active Exact Path student users in that location.

How can educators follow along to see how many skills students are mastering?
As an educator, skill mastery can be viewed from multiple areas of Exact Path.
  1. Within Reports, drill into Skills Reports and run a Learning Path Progress Report for the duration of the contest (calculate each month separately as two winners will be named, one each month) to see how many skills a student has mastered. This report also provides other useful information such as attempts made and time spent in the program, perfect for providing individual encouragement
  2. The Admin dashboard is another useful place to review mastered skills at a glance. After adjusting the time span using the date picker, scroll down to the teal rectangle where a final count of total mastered skills will be available for all grades and subjects within a school/district. Note that you can only select full weeks in this date picker, so you may not be able to precisely narrow your search by a specific month.
What do winning schools receive?
One winning school in April and one winning school in May will each receive the following:
  • An Exact Path Skills Challenge Trophy
  • A $200 pizza party
  • A featured article on the Edmentum blog
When does the contest end?
The April contest window ends on April 30th.
The May contest window ends on May 31st.

When will winners be announced?
The April school winner will be announced no later than May 15th.
The May school winner will be announced no later than June 7th.

Which subjects and grade levels will be considered for contest eligibility?
All skills mastered across any grade level (K-12) and any subject (reading, math and language arts) in Exact Path is eligible to count toward contest totals.

Can a South Carolina district register to participate?
This is a school-level competition. If you want to register your entire district, please either register each school individually or email [email protected] with a list of all schools within the district that would like to compete.

If my school registers to participate in April, do we have to register again to participate in May?
No, all April registrants are automatically entered to participate in May, unless the participant informs Edmentum of its desire not to participate in the May contest by emailing such direction to [email protected].

What if I don’t register in time for the start of the contest?
Your school has the entirety of each month to enter the contest to be considered an active participant, and any April registrants are automatically entered to participate in May. We will be able to retroactively calculate how many skills have been mastered by your students throughout the entirety of the month.

Who can I contact with additional questions regarding the contest?
Please email John Robert Jackson at [email protected] with any additional questions regarding the contest.

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